
“Disability” is a complex, dynamic, multidimensional social interaction phenomenon. Almost every one of us may become “disabled” at some point, and this state can be either temporary or permanent. According to the statistics of WHO, there are over one billion physically or mentally challenged people around the world, which means that one in seven people is disabled. According to the sixth nationwide population census in 2010, there are over 85 million people with physically or mentally disabilities in China. They are almost invisible, and it is almost impossible to see them in public areas. Few people understand their needs, and the accessibility and reasonable convenience they need are considered to be unsolvable by the society. The disabled group faces the social prejudice and discrimination.

HandsOn Shanghai recruits and trains volunteers to serve the Differently-Abled, not only brighten and warm disabled persons’ life, but also eliminate the misunderstandings and let the public know how to treat appropriately the differently-abled. We expect that more volunteers with different background knowledge will join in and develop close relationships with disabled persons.

Our AIMs:

  • Bring happy hours to disabled persons
  • Support the differently-abled to create and enjoy a healthy and active future
  • Improve the learning environment of these differently-abled
  • Provided an avenue for interested volunteers to engage community

The disability groups we are concerned about: